Clearing the Air: The Harms of Synthetic Scenting in the Home
During my first few days back, I experienced headaches that would take place roughly around the same time every day. At first, I believed that it may have been hormonal symptoms stemming from my period that commenced a day or two before boarding the flight to Palm Beach International only days prior.
Herbal Haven: Embracing Nature in Home Decor
While I absolutely loved everything about Girona, what I was most impressed by was the use of herbs in my quaint Airbnb situated just outside of the city center.
A weekend of incense-making with Kettl + Hyungi Park
The incense-making course itself was chocked full of knowledge facilitated my artist and incense-maker LA extraordinaire, Hyungi Park.
The many beautiful wonders of yarrow (inside and out)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is one of my all-time favorite healing plants. Also known as the Nosebleed plant, I typically use this beauty for altar work since its beauty persists long beyond its expiry date as a dried flower arrangement.
Mimosa medica: Impressively sensitive, yet undeniably powerful
Mimosa pudica, or as we call it in Jamaica, Shame Mi Darling, is the shyest powerhouse you’ll only find in a handful of tropical climates outside of the island.
Red clover, red clover, let good health come over
… in search of another daily alterative (a herbal remedy that slowly rejuvenates the body's natural functioning and enhances overall well-being and vigor) that I already had on hand, I started drinking quart-sized Red Clover tea this entire week.
Exploring the hidden powers of nature's 'garlic weed' for healing
While at first glance, the plant appears as an invasive weed to the untrained eye, its potent medicinal properties greatly contradict it’s meager appearance with widespread use throughout the Jamaican diaspora.
To sip or to smoke: the herbal alt to traditional remedies
Smoking as a mode of administration is not only reserved for cannabis to tobacco. The same effects that one would receive from ingesting herbs through a tea or tincture, for example, can also be achieved through a herbal blend of smokable plant material.
Sinkle Bible: A practical aid in pre-diabetes reversal?
So how does Aloe vera play a role? A study conducted in 2015 concluded that Aloe vera restored impaired blood glucose levels within just four weeks, while continuing these efforts for eight weeks also improved abnormal lipid profiles.²